26 May 2023

5 reasons why your child should learn a foreign language

5 reasons why your child should learn a foreign language

Over the years, research has revealed the benefits of multilingualism on cognitive development and academic achievement in children. Bilingual children are more adept at responding to changes in their environment and switch between different modes of thinking. Therefore, it has become increasingly important for children to learn foreign languages, especially in our highly globalised world today. This article will share a few reasons why your child should learn a foreign language.

1. Helps Children Excel at Academic Achievement and Tests

Learning a foreign language has a positive impact on children’s academic achievement. Bilingual children may outperform their monolingual peers in standardised tests more easily, especially in reading, mathematics and other subjects. When learning a second language, children are required to pay close attention to details such as grammar, pronunciation and sentence structure. This helps them to improve their overall attention and focus, which is useful for academic tasks that require sustained concentration, such as reading or studying. In addition, children are taught to think critically and solve problems during language lessons. For instance, your child can learn to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word based on context, when attending Mandarin classes in Singapore. This allows them to better analyse and solve complex problems.

Helps Children Excel at Academic Achievement and Tests

2. Children Will Be Able to Develop Greater Empathy

Children are better equipped to understand and appreciate lifestyle diversity, when they learn about the language and culture of others. As a result, they develop greater empathy towards people from different cultural backgrounds, paving the way for open-mindedness and flexibility.

3. Nurtures Children’s Curiosity

By learning a foreign language, children can nurture a greater sense of wonder and curiosity about the world that revolves around them, paving the way for a lifelong love of learning and exploration, as well as an increased keenness in other cultures and languages. Take attending Thai language courses in Singapore as an example. Through the learning process, children can gain a better understanding of the nuances of the language, the history of the language itself, and idiomatic expressions.

Learn more: 5 Advantages To Learning To Speak In Thai

4. Exposure to Different Cultures, Traditions, Norms

The exposure to different cultures, traditions, and norms can be one of the most exciting aspects of learning a foreign language. Language and culture are deeply intertwined. Therefore, children not only learn a new language, but also the people and cultures associated with that language. As such, they gain a deeper appreciation of their similarities and differences, empowering cultural awareness and sensitivity.

5. Improves Multitasking Abilities

The basic skills of learning a foreign language include listening, reading, speaking, and writing. As these elements are taught concurrently, having the mental agility and focus is necessary. On top of that, learning a foreign language also requires seamless switching between different language skills. If children are able to do so, they can learn how to process multiple sources of information simultaneously in a quick and effective way, leading to better multitasking abilities.

All in all, learning a foreign language plays a huge role in preparing children for future success. There are many ways children can master a foreign language and reap its numerous benefits, whether it is formal language classes or immersion experience.

Stanford Language Center provides Skillsfuture language courses, basic conversational courses for different languages such as Thai, Mandarin, Vietnamese and more. Our holistic and all-rounded approach ensures a more effective learning process for students. Contact us now to check on class availability.